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Perfection on a Plate - The St Rémy Caprese Salad

I adore Caprese Salads, or Insalata Caprese, which literally means salad of Capri, where it originated. Such simple fare. Summer perfection on a plate. Fragrant basil. Sweet, ripe tomatoes. Creamy buffalo mozzarella. The purity of ingredients creates a fusion of flavour, the textures are remarkably complimentary. A little olive oil and a pinch of Maldon salt flakes. Less is more here. The key of course is using only the freshest local produce. The French know this. The Italians know this too. While visiting St Rémy de Provence a few years ago, we stopped for lunch at a small local restaurant, Bistrot DecouverteOf course I ordered the Caprese Salad. 

As it arrived, I was speechless. An enormous cluster of perfect vine ripened tomatoes. A ball of fresh creamy buffalo mozzarella seeped in fresh basil and local olive oil. A mound of tangy arugula. Heaven. And that was just the appetizer!

There is no recipe of course, just these simple ingredients.

Caprese Salad 

  • tomatoes, the ripe and real kind!
  • buffalo mozzarella 
  • basil leaves
  • Maldon sea salt 
  • a good olive oil 

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