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On the Bench: Grey Knight Terminator p3

With the armour complete, the next step was to paint the blue parts of the model. The first layer was painted with Vallejo Dark Blue (930) using an American Painter, size 1 brush.

Once the first layer has dried, I applied a healthy wash of Asurmen Blue (GW wash). I use a size 4 American Painter brush and give the blue sections a good level of coverage.

While the wash is drying, I give the banners/purity seals/etc a coat of Vallejo Desert Yellow (72063) using a size 1 brush. Since these items are going to be layered heavily, I apply two coats. At this point I let the model sit for an hour and dry.

Sadly at this point, I changed something in the camera and the remaining WiP pictures were blurry and not worth posting. I will try to do a better job with future editions, but to complete this edition, I will simply rely on a recap.
Painting Palette Recap

Grey Sections
Vallejo Black Grey (70862)(3:1, paint:thinner) [Size 1 American Painter]
Black GW Wash
Black Grey (4:1, pain:thinner)
Black Grey/Vallejo London Grey (836) (2:1:1:1, black grey:london grey:thinner:glaze)
Black Grey/London Grey (1:2:1:1, black grey:london grey:thinner:glaze)
Black Grey/London Grey (1:3:1:1, black grey:london grey:thinner:glaze)
London Grey (4:1:1, london grey:thinner:glaze)
London Grey/Light Grey (70990) (4:1:1:1, london grey:light grey:thinner:glaze)

Blue Sections
Dark Blue (4:1:1, paint:thinner:glaze)
Dark Blue/Skull White (4:1:1:1, dark blue:skull white:thinner:glaze)
Dark Blue/Skull White (3:1:1:1, dark blue:skull white:thinner:glaze)
Dark Blue/Skull White (2:1:1:1, dark blue:skull white:thinner:glaze)
Dark Blue/Skull White (1:1:1:1, dark blue:skull white:thinner:glaze)
Add 2 drops Skull White to prior mix.
Add 4 drops of Skull White to prior mix
Eyes only - straight skull white as a single dot in each eye.

Golden Sections
Reaper Chestnut Gold (09073) (3:1, paint:thinner) [American Painter Brush 1] "This layer is thinner to get into the crevices and corners"
Reaper Chestnut Gold (09073) (4:1, paint:thinner) [American Painter Brush 0] "This layer is to give the gold sections an even coat.
Vallejo Brown Ink (72092) (straight) [American Painter Brush 00] "A little brown ink was applied to certain deep areas, like the chains, to give them a needed extra layer of depth."
Reaper Chestnut Gold (09073)/Palomino Gold (09074) (2:2:1:1, chestnut gold:palomino gold: thinner:glaze)
Palomino Gold (4:1, paint, thinner) "This is the base coat and should cover about 50% of each gold section."
Palomino Gold/Buckskin Pale (09075) (2:2:1:1, palomino gold:buckskin pale:thinner:glaze) "This is the first level highlight".
Buckskin Pale (4:1, paint:thinner)

Red Sections
Vallejo Scar Red (12) (4:1, paint:thinner)
Vallejo Scar Red/Blood Red (72010) (8:1:2:2, scar red:blood red:thinner: glaze) "I wanted a slightly smoother transition between layers, so I increased the amount of thinner and glaze"
Vallejo Scar Red/Blood Red (72010) (4:1:1:2, scar red:blood red:thinner: glaze)
Vallejo Scar Red/Blood Red (72010) (3:1:2:2, scar red:blood red:thinner: glaze)
Vallejo Scar Red/Blood Red (72010) (2:1:1:1, scar red:blood red:thinner: glaze)
Blood Red (72010) (3:1:1, blood red:thinner: glaze)

Purity Seals
Vallejo Desert Yellow (72063) (4:1, paint:thinner) "Allow sections to dry before next layer" Vallejo Desert Yellow (72063) (4:1, paint:thinner)
Vallejo Brown Ink (72092) (4:1, paint:thinner) [American Painter Brush 0] Vallejo Desert Yellow/Dark Sand (72063) (8:1:1:1, desert yellow:dark sand:glaze:thinner)
Vallejo Desert Yellow/Dark Sand (72063) (4:1:1:1, desert yellow:dark sand:glaze:thinner)
Vallejo Desert Yellow/Dark Sand (72063) (2:1:1:1, desert yellow:dark sand:glaze:thinner)
Vallejo Desert Yellow/Dark Sand (72063) (2:2:1:1, desert yellow:dark sand:glaze:thinner)Dark Sand (72063) (4:1:1, dark sand:glaze:thinner)
Dark Sand (72063)/Skull White (8:1:1:1, dark sand:skull white:glaze:thinner)
Dark Sand (72063)/Skull White (4:1:1:1, dark sand:skull white:glaze:thinner)
Dark Sand (72063)/Skull White (2:1:1:1, dark sand:skull white:glaze:thinner)
Dark Sand (72063) (4:1:1, dark sand:glaze:thinner)

Base Sections
The base was first painted with a coat of Vallejo snakebite leather (2:1, paint:thinner). While still wet, the base was washed with the GW septia wash using an American Painter, size 4 brush.

Next Edition of On the Bench
With this post, I have added another poll. The question this time is what should be the subject of the next On the Bench. Voting will be open till Monday, so vote soon!

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