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"Love till you Tuesday"

Good Morning Everyone!

Is it really only Tuesday? I can't believe it either. 

I very much enjoyed writing yesterdays blog, that even after a lovely night in my with girls (in which I fell asleep at 3:30) I have gotten up early to write my little Favourites and Fancies.

So I hope your as excited as me!

Favourite Box-Set:

Today I have been revisiting my childhood, and the 90's and watching "Lois and Clarke: The New Adventures of Superman" 

(Image from amazon.co.uk)

Every Saturday morning after Live and Kicking had finished, me and my Dad sat down on the sofa together with the eggs mum made us and watched it together. Every time I watch it I'll remember the times I spent with Dad - he had to explain it most of the time because I was quite small. 

If you have never seen it, it is comical and has some very 90's action! If you like 90's fashion then this is a show for you, Terri Hatcher as Lois Lane does not disappoint - the blue dress she wears in the first episode is incredible!

A great Christmas present for you, dad, brother and friends. A nice easy going series for Christmas morning! Get yours here.

What I'm snacking:

As mentioned yesterday I am desperately trying to loose a few pounds before Christmas party food and the Christmas dinner take over my body and stomach! 

Yesterday was a good day, I drank lots which curbed my appetite but my snack was these...

(Image from jennblogsat.wordpress.com)

PEANUT BUTTER M&M'S!!!! Epic, in colour and taste. However a small packet contains 298 Calories AND cost me £1.68 per bag. So they are not really a snack more of a treat which I have one of in an afternoon. 

My outfit for today: 

Today is a work day, so is dressed down with a hint of chic. 

Jeans: Blue Skinny's - Leigh from Topshop £38 Purchase here.
Under Top: Black Bandeau - Miss Selfridge £10 Purchase a similar one here.
Jumper: Black Ladder Jumper - New Look £22.99 Purchase here.
Boots: Ample2 Cargo Boots - Topshop £70 Purchase here.
Necklace: Collar Style - Primark £3.50 Purchase a similar one here.

Favourite Fancie: 

These popped up on my Pinterest feed the other day and now I am obsessed with them! 

(Image from ebay.co.uk)

At a weenie price of £13.10!! They are on trend, cute and will jazz up a casual outfit or can be worn for a smart occasion!

Maybe ask for them for Christmas or treat yourself and call it a Christmas gift to yourself! Buy them here.

Thats all from me today, I hope your Tuesday is fabulous! Drop by tomorrow for animals, interior design and some baking. 


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