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Blow That Horn - RONE Awards

It's hard to be heard against the white noise of us all out there blowing our trumpets to try and get our work noticed. 

My approach seems to be like the comedy sketch where someone (a Brit) in a land foreign to their own (usually France) seems to think it's likely they'll be better understood by someone who doesn't speak their language if they raise their voice. 

When it comes to self promotion, I tend to try and blow the trumpet with greater gusto and simply add to the din (I'm no Chet Baker, believe me).

Here I am blowing again. I blowing and I'm asking for a little help in raising the roof.

HOW TO CHOOSE A SWEETHEART has been nominated for an award by the good people at InD'tale Magazine in the Contemporary General category. It's the first stage of the process and they're looking to create a shortlist for reading by the judges via a voting system.

There are 2 ways that you can vote for Sweetheart. One is to follow the previous link, subscribe to the site and vote directly on-line. The other is to send an email to anasmith@indtale.com some time this week naming the title and me as the author. It's a pretty simple process, but it does take a few minutes of the voters time. 

If you've read the book and think it worthy, if you fancy reading it this week and then deciding or if you feel like offering support I'd be most grateful.

Now I'm off to try and learn a new tune.

Many thanks to you and the team behind InD'tale.


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