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Mixed Bag today.

Well it never rains but it pours! Just when you think you'll get one thing done you have a little spurt and get a couple done instead. First off we have a collection of German WW1 troops in 28mm. Sorry no idea what the manufacture is as I have painted these for a friend. I am a big fan of the faces though the sculpting is very straight forward and crisp. It has those not too try hard look. These may have come out a little too blue, but early war German Uniforms as witness on the Renegade Miniatures web site, or even on the box of Airfix soldiers is closer to that than the grey green later in the conflict.

I have also managed to sort out a limber for my SCW forces. So this is another 10mm figure. It did come as part of the 10mm Colonial troops I bought on eBay. But as I only had 1 set of riders for 3 limbers and a wagon it just made sense to use them for the SCW. I will no doubt get more limber riders for the colonial stuff in the near future, but for now this can be a Spanish Civil War limber. Which is not to say that I have an abundance of towed artillery.

Well that's it for today. I intend to do my next update on Tuesday. So until then take care and get some painting done. All the best Clint

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