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You have only been gone ten days, but already I’m wasting away.

The helplessness of waking up everyday without u near, to not be able to look at you or see you do the things you always do, to not be able to take you out on dates and watch movies or hang out, to not be able to hold your hand or smell your busukness, to not be able to text or call cause ive run out of credit, to go to sleep hoping that time would past by faster, to realize that time is taking its time, to know that you’ve been skipping meals to get credit to call me instead, to know that u save your favourite Mcdonalds meals for special occasions now only because your saving money for us, to know that your occasional mcdonalds meals that you look forward to got eaten by ants while you were fishing and you had to throw it away, to have mum take away my passport and my only way of being there with you thrown away too, to know that you only go shopping to buy me clothes even though u keep losing yours, to know that you hate being there although you don’t show it but you have no choice. It really eats me up. I’m so sorry for not getting it. I know I took this long but I know I feel it too. I miss you baby. And as psychotically hard as this is, I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you. Everything you’ve done for me and how you held my hand every step of the way. I’m sorry Bleeker. Ill be there for you..love you.

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