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Trivial & Literary Pursuits

Before the fun, can I take a minute to do some shameless promotion for our beloved The Rose & Thorn Literary ezine? (Well, yeah, guess I can since it's my blog. LOL) The annual Editors & Preditors Readers' Poll is cranking up, and we'd dearly love it if you voted for us in the ezines category for Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry and Magazine ezine editor. Voting is going on until January 14, so pwetty pwease vote for a great little friendly ezine if you have time. 'Preciate you in advance!

Now, back to trivia bidness. Why do we like it so much? It doesn't particularly make me feel smarter or anything. Maybe it's just because it's interesting and it falls under the category of uncommon knowledge (most average people don't know it). But since my brain is in such need of defragging and compacting, I don't understand why I keep cramming in more and more factoids of no importance when I can barely remember my kids' names some days. I mean, really, when is the knowledge that turtles breathe out of their butts ever gonna come in handy?

Anywayyyyy, here's a dose of mo random and trivial factoids to get your Monday started:
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
  • 23% of all photocopier problems worldwide are caused by people sitting on them to photocopy their butts.
  • In 1879, a mail service in Belgium employed 37 cats to carry bundles of letters to villages around the town of Liege, this experiment was shorted-lived as the cats proved thoroughly undisciplined. {Wha? The Furball Express? Doh!}
  • Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

Now, get out there and do something nice for somebody. :)

{Photo from Photobucket.com}

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