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The Dictator (2012): Movie Review

The Dictator
By: Lakwatsera Lovers

From Borat to Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen is now Admiral General Omar Aladeen who is the great bearded dictator of North African Nation of Wadiya . To refresh your memories he's the one who spilled the ashes of Kim Jong-il's ashes to Ryan Seacrest at the last Academy Awards. 

General Omar Aladeen (Sasha Cohen Baron) travels to New York to address the United Nations concerns about his plans to develop nuclear weapons. Where he was betrayed by his second-in command Tamir (Ben Kingsley), who has been secretly planning to sell the country of Wadiya's oil riches and make billions with it.  Aladeen was kidnapped and removed his beard to erase his identifying feature.  Then he met Zoey (Anna Faris) who thought that he is a Wadiyan refugee and offers him a job in a local store. While spending with the Americans Aladeen plans to reclaim his throne as the dictator of his beloved country. 

Sacha Baron Cohen is one of the funniest man on the planet right now with his offensive comedy pranks up to the outrageous characters he portrays that makes a mark each and every time. For us, The Dictator is the funniest movie released this year. A great stress reliever and I can't really recall when was the last time I laugh that hard inside the cinema. It's laugh every minute type of comedy that's some may find it disturbing but we really had a good time watching it.

Overall, The Dictator is not that offensive as Borat or Bruno but still keeps the charm and formula that made Sacha Baron Cohen popular. Some may misunderstood his jokes but can't take away that he's just making people laugh from his own tactics. We recommend this film and make sure not to miss it. This movie is great to watch with friends who wants to enjoy a quality comedy from the great dictator.

Lakwatsera Lovers rates it 10 out of 10 stars

Cast: Sacha Baron Cohen, Ben Kingsley

Directed By: Larry Charles
Distributed By: United International Pictures through Solar Entertainment Corporations
Opens on July 25, 2012

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