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My Blogging Bubble Begins

Settled and sitting safely at my desk, I have delicately decided to ditch the dimwits on TV, and attempt to blog using as much alliteration as possible. It's a tricky challenge. Nonchalant? No. As a writer, I believe challenges will awaken my creative wilderness and willpower. I will not wallow in wealth just yet; one day it would be wonderful, but for now I shall not be deterred from this determination to succeed one day at a time - to succeed in fanatically fulfilling my fantastic need to create flamboyant (not flimsy) prose. I may not manage this meaningful mania every day, but I shall try to churn out at least three per week. Is blogging now my newfound bliss? Perhaps. Let's see if this blogging bubble will burst with abundant abnormality ... Sweet dreams baffled brain of mine ... don't let the bed bugs bite :)

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