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H.P. Lovecraft in The Onion's AV Club

The satirical newspaper The Onion has given some timely autumnal attention to the life and work of H.P. Lovecraft. In a section they've titled "Gateways to Geekery," Jason Heller breaks down the essentials about Lovecraft's life and literary contributions. Recommendations about where newcomers should start in exploring Lovecraft are made, alongside a brief description about HPL's influence in culture.

The article's position in The Onion's arts and culture section frees it from the over-the-top humorous bent common to the rest of the paper. However, this exposure may not produce the increased interest or knowledge of Lovecraft's fiction that one would suspect. The Onion is primarily geared toward a younger demographic that already absorbs pieces of Lovecraftiana--consciously or unconsciously--through the usually humorous treatment of Lovecraft on the internet. Still, the fact that an expose could even make it to The Onion today just shows that Lovecraft will enjoy more time in major venues such as this in the days to come.

-Grim Blogger

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