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Clownin' with Cowboys - a High Moon AAR

I ran this game mostly just to blow off steam, and to test out the Monster Clown for High Moon.  Rep 5.  Quick Reflxes for random Attribute.  1H Weapon.  

Here he is now:

Meet Risi

Risi (short for, 'Risible') has entered the town of Cactus Valley to rescue his buddy Pokes (a Mangler) from the clutches of the so-called innocent people of the town.  This is a Raid encounter, with his goal being the jail in Section 1.  Once again, I used the scale of 1 Section = 10."  And since Risi is armed only with a single jagged, rusty blade, subtly will probably be the best approach.

Time for some fun!

Risi entered the town early in the morning, when everyone was still recovering from a festival the night before.  He snuck around, searching for the nest way to the jail.  

(Note that I started with with 4 PEF's instead of 3 to make it a little more challenging.  Also, if Activation ends up as Doubles and 4 or less, then another PEF appears).

A lone cowboy appears, making a trip toward the outhouse.

(In Sights Check.  Pass!)

Good morning, sunshine!  And good night!

His buddy then heard the noise and rushed out.

Let's just say it wasn't pretty!

(The last PEF didn't resolve so Risi eventually made it to the jail.)

Violets are blue, blood runs red.

(In Sights check - Pass)

I see you, my pretty, and now you're dead!

At that point, another PEF appeared and resolved as a cowboy.

I'll let Pokes handle this.

(Pokes, a Rep 3 Mangler, won Charge into Melee and Melee, and hacked the cowboy to pieces.)

As they left the jail, however, they encountered some trouble.

Gunman Rep 4
Cowboy Rep 3
Cowboy Rep 3
Towns persona Rep 4.

Wanna see a magic trick?  No?  Fine then, die, you spoil sport!

The rest of the group fled behind the general store, and Risi and Pokes followed.

Although Risi got another kill, the remaining cowboy dropped poor, misunderstood Pokes.
Risi snuck behind the duo, but then realized they were joined by the town's blacksmith.

I don't suppose we could talk this over a spot of tea?

Although Risi managed to remove the cowboy from the equation, the blacksmith pulled out two pistols and filled the poor monster clown with bullets.

So no on the tea then?

They buried Risi by nightfall and told the town that a maniac gunman had plowed through the town, but he was executed on sight.  No reason to scare anyone with stories about monster clowns, right?

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That night, they visited the grave and paid their final respects to Risi.

(Not Quite Dead test:  Passed!)

Apparently, though they weren't aware that the only way to truly kill a monster clown is to completely destroy its body.  Burying one is usually a no no.

I will be laughing,
you will be hurt,
and I'll be dancing,
while you breathe dirt!

Singing his little song, Risi sent the blacksmith face-first into the grave and then pulled out his knife, grinning wickedly.

As the bartender ran, he screamed for help, but the people knew the truth of that night and remained in their homes.  They were all too aware of the creature with metal on his face and blades on his hands.  And they knew all too well of the clown dancing around.  So no one emerged to help the poor man.

He managed to make to to his house before a large foot tripped him.  Risi then dragged him gleefully (Risi, not the bartender) to the pond.

Oh don't worry.  I promise you'll float . . . unless of course, I tie rocks to your feet and jump up and down on your chest!

(Since Risi failed in his mission, and well technically, he did not receive any Increasing d6.)

The next morning, the people found the bodies and faced the terror for the first time.  And no one saw Risi the clown or the body of his friend.  But sometimes at night, people claimed to hear cackling in the wind.  

Did you hear it?  Was it the wind or something else?  Hopefully he doesn't know you're listening.  And he's probably not real anyway.  

But just in case, look over your shoulder.

No, your other shoulder . . . 

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