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Saturday, I will putz around...

     We had a nice Valentines dinner.  I made steaks, potatoes, vegetable and we had short bread for dessert.  We went to dance class and then cleaned the bank. ( how romantic), ran the finished posters up to one of the fire stations.  Then came home a went to bed.  Don't tell me we don't know how to celebrate.

     Hubby grabbed his black dress shoes out of his closet to change at the studio.  When he got there he had a black dress shoe and a black tennis shoe.  He put them on and my daughter told him not to tell me I would never notice. Eventually every one knew but me and we had such a good laugh.  One of the ladies asked if that was on purpose, and I said no he is just a dork.

     My mom had more bad news yesterday as she has developed Macular degeneration.  She has lost vision in her left eye but the right has not been affected yet.  Her mother passed away blind and I know this really scares her.  It is just one more thing she has to deal with and I am sad for her.  There are treatments to slow its progression so that is positive.

     I need to make bread today and do some laundry and we are going out to dinner on a gift card with another couple tonight. I am looking forward to this, we decided to go out the day after Valentines day when it was not so busy.  So two big dinners in a row means I have to really watch what I eat during the day,( like nothing) and I have all these wonderful chocolates around, every where I turn there is a box of chocolates!

     I am going to put beans on to soak and make a big pot of bean soup for dinner tomorrow.  Bean soup and home made bread and shortbread sounds great and warm.

 Out My Window:  It is about 51 right now and overcast.  I can't wait to get new baby chicks in March.

Have a great and productive day!


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