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Remember, Remember, the End of November

Boy, this has really been a thin month around here, hasn't it? What is this, only my sixth post? I can't remember the last time I've been so unproductive with this blog, and if anybody's sad about that, allow me to apologize. I don't really know what the deal is, but I suppose October took more out of me than usual.
To add insult to injury, this post isn't going to be worth dogshit, either. I'm only popping in now to say "Oops!" and "I'm sorry!" and "Things will be better next month!" Hopefully, anyway. I should think they'd almost have to be, so I'm trying to stay positive. If nothing else, I'll be itching to post about Black Swan and True Grit when I see them in December, which is two posts locked down, right off the bat. Already things are looking better.
But I'm afraid that's really it for November. Obviously, I'm going to be tied up with family-type deals through the weekend, and while there's an off chance that I might spark on something to write about before the month is over, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. So let's just call November a wash, and start fresh on December 1st. Until then, have a great Thanksgiving, everybody.
PS - Exit Through the Gift Shop sucked. This has been a review.

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