Myrna Loy (Myrna Adele Williams) - What can I say that hasn't already been said in hundreds of articles, reviews, books and biographies over the years. Born in Montana on August 2, 1905, she was early on the exotic femme fatale in films like The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932), then the witty sophisticate in the Thin Man series in the mid-thirties, and next the straight dramatic actress in The Best Years of Our Lives (1946). Between 1925 and 1982 she appeared in over 135 film and television productions. Personally, I have enjoyed every film of hers I have had the chance to view. If you are not fully familiar with Myrna's work, let me point you to the
Wikipedia and
IMDB entries for details.
In my post(s) on Dietrich, and with apologies to Bette, I crowned Marlene the true "Divine Miss M."
I now think it is fitting and hereby crown Myrna the "Delightful, Delicious, De-lovely, Miss M." There are hundreds of images on Myrna on the web, but I hope at least some in this post are new to you.
Picture Play magazine February 1929 - Publicity portrait for
The Desert Song (1929)
Picture Play magazine April 1930 - Artist: Modest Stein
Picture Play magazine September 1931 - Artist: Modest Stein
Postcard for The Woman in His House. Don't know that film? It is actually the British title for
The Animal Kingdom (1932) and this is a British postcard.
Screenland magazine December 1934 - Artist: Charles Sheldon
Two more reasons to smoke Gallaher and Player brands.
Myrna's life as a blonde vamp, late twenties I believe.
Myrna Loy - What do you think - Allure?
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