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How Do You Feel About Getting Old? $500 Gift Card Sweepstakes

I celebrated my 59th birthday in June. Before going out to dinner to celebrate, my husband and I took a long walk along Shore Parkway and stopped for a photo by the Verrazano Narrows Bridge that connects the New York City borough of Brooklyn with the borough of Staten Island.

At my age there is no denying it any longer--the road ahead of me will be shorter than the road behind me. How do I feel about getting old?
The Pfizer GetOld web site asks this question and allows us to choose one response out of four. Do I feel optimistic, angry, prepared or uneasy about getting older? It is interesting to see the percentages of the responses and the comments from people of all ages.
What was my response? I feel optimistic! There is a wonderful satisfaction at my age to know I have accomplished many of my life's goals: that my children are raised, educated and married, that I have survived long enough to see two grandchildren be born.
My husband and I have been preparing ourselves for many years to pay down our bills and save for the future, so we feel confident we will have sufficient funds with which to retire.
Physically, we try to take care of ourselves, eat healthily, and exercise to maintain our health. Mentally, we stay active in our community with volunteer work, socialization with friends and family and hobbies.
Writing a blog for the last five years has encouraged me to go to more places and do more enjoyable things in my local community. I've learned so much from, and have been inspired by, many other bloggers.

There is a saying that made a great deal of impact upon me when I turned fifty, nine years ago. It was: "Do not resent growing old. It is a privilege denied to many "(source unknown).
I was very aware of the validity of this fact, as I have lost important people in my life who did not live to the life expectancy they hoped for. This made me realize that enjoying each day and feeling gratitude for the simplest things in life was very important; that is what I have tried to do this last nine years of my life, and I hope to continue to do so. I do not want any regrets.

As my husband approaches retirement in a few years, we have many plans, hopes, and dreams for days ahead of us.

In all likelihood, we will be moving West to be closer to our children and grandchildren. Leaving Brooklyn, New York, where I was born and have lived my entire life will be both a big adventure and an adjustment for me, but I look forward to exploring our future new community, joining new groups and making new friends.
I want to become more active physically, travel throughout the wonderful National Parks in the West, learn more about photography, challenge myself to ride a horse, hike and ski, do more creative activities, and most of all enjoy my grandchildren! I am actually looking forward to growing older and doing all these things for as long as I can.

Why not go over to the Pfizer GetOld.com website and participate in the survey and read the sticky notes from others who have left comments? You can leave your own story, photo or video about your experiences. Perhaps we can all learn from this conversation about growing old.

As full disclosure, I am being compensated for this post by BlogHer and Pfizer, but all opinions expressed herein are my own.

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