Did you think I forgot my occasional posts on making tea?
The cup that the tea is sitting in is a gaiwan.
Pronounce: Gai (guy) Wan (like wand only without the d)
It is another form of Asian style of making tea.
It is fascinating that each way of making tea can make for a bit
different flavor.
Pour the water into the gaiwan and cover with the lid.
You can shift the tea around in the cup with the lid,
then use the lid to keep the leaves in the gaiwan
when you pour into the cups or a pouring pitcher.
In the gaiwan I had Jin Jun Mei from Harney & Sons.
A nice tea to try.
I probably don't use my gaiwan as often as I should or could,
but often when I taste tea with friends this is the way the tea is made.
The wood tray under the gaiwan has slots to catch any spills
in the tray below.
Often we rinse the tea leaves first, pour that off into the tray,
then make the tea.
When making tea this way you might use as much leaf as you
do for a large English style teapot, but you steep a shorter time
and resteep the leaves throughout the day.
To learn more you can check out the link here:
Believe it or not there are still more ways to make tea to be shared on another day.
Have a great weekend, dear friends!
Sip tea and enjoy quiet moments.
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