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Pssst!!! It appears that I have been running I mean walking slowly around with a bit of pneumonia. My doctor has issued a stern warning and put me on a stronger antibiotic. My pneumonia appears to have laughed at the first one. 

Now that I am sort of behaving, I am looking around at my apartment and thinking about things I would like to do, and I took inventory of my old bottles.

I love vintage and antique bottles. I have collected them for years, but I have had to sell many of them because of the lack of display space in my small apartment. 

I have some in each room. 

These are in my kitchen.

The desk in my dining room.

The pine cupboard in my living room.

The window in my bedroom.

I guess the only room that doesn't have any is the bathroom. I will have to remedy that. 

What is your favorite collectible?

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