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Bits of Blue


~ On Saturday we visited a new(ish) garden center.  It was one of those wonderful places filled with beauty, inspiration and a very knowledgeable staff.  What's not to like about that combination?
Since I have several blue garden pots in the garage, I was keeping an eye out for pleasing plant combinations to fill them with.

~With spring's arrival the bluebirds are visiting the feeder and the nesting boxes we put out for them.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for new little families in the very near future.

~ There is a little vase sitting on the top shelf of a plant stand in my family room.  Each afternoon when I'm passing through there the sun illuminates it beautifully and I think I should take a picture of that.  Today I did.

~ My birthday was on Good Friday this year.  It rained that day with a tornado warning thrown in the mix.  It seemed like a good day to stay in.  So, I did.  Stayed in and baked myself a carrot cake.  Well, actually it was for Easter and I shared it with the family.

~ Easter was a lovely day.  We ate lots of good food and then went on a walking tour of homes being built across the street.  

~ The next day, while washing up the dishes, it occured to me that I didn't take a single picture on Easter.  It also occurred to me as I was drying the china that I haven't changed much since picking out my wedding china.  Something Blue.

~ I liked blue then and still do as you may have guessed by now.
Since my birthday it's been nothing but blue skies around here.
Last evening the spring green leaves on the trees looked so pretty with the clear blue sky background.  

Any bits of blue capturing your attention lately?

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