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A Wonderful Gift

Our family gathered here on Sunday, just as they usually do. Dale and I went to two Open Houses. Two houses that won't be ours, we discovered. (you won't know till you go see them!)

When we returned home, Marcy and Scott gave us this....

 We knew they had portraits taken
 but we didn't know we would be getting this.
We love it!!

Wrapped canvas is so special.
What a wonderful way to show off the beautiful people in the portrait!

The weather has warmed. It's to be in the 40's today and near 60 tomorrow. But we will not get too used to it because the cold will return by the week end. After temps in the single digits, I will love this while it lasts!

I just wish I had more 'get up and go'. Yesterday my left eye felt like something was wrong with my contact, like a small piece of something was under it. It didn't bother me too much so I just lived with it. (I tend to do that more often than I should....) By evening it was bothering me so I rinsed the contact, thinking that would take care of the issue. It didn't. My eye hurt when I put the contact back in. So I left it out.

This morning my eye is red and hurts. Oh no. I've been putting drops in it. Hope it helps.... I know better than to try wearing contact lenses today. But, wearing my full prescription glasses makes me feel very tired! It's probably because my eyes are just not used to wearing them, except for early morning and late at night. Motivation for accomplishing tons of stuff today is taking more gumption than I feel I'm capable of! 

Gotta get up and at it. Putting dirty laundry in the washer is not all that needs done today!

Blessings to you, my friends!

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