If I had more money and a wife that loved movies as much as I do, I would have movie posters all throughout my house. In my bedroom. Kid's bedrooms. In the living room and the family room. In hallways and bathrooms. Hanging from doors and even in closets. I might even have posters on the ceilings. Because to me, a good movie poster is as good as the best piece of art work.
For now, I only have a few posters in my basement.

But again, if I had my way. I would love to own all these. And many more.
I saw a series of four of these posters on Hollywood Blvd and I'm bummed I didn't snatch them up right then. I have not been able to find any of them since. I really like how this captures the tone of Fight Club without showing any star photos.
I hate that this line pays off the design so much, because the look holds up so well by itself. I'm sure if I owned this poster and someone commented on it, the only thing I would say is how much I hate that line.
I have a sickness and it's called all things Disney. Before I got into film and ultimately advertising, my dream was to be the next Walt Disney. This is not necessarily my favorite Disney movie, but I love the animation of this film. Borderline chicken scratch in its approach.
I love Saul Bass and this poster is very simple. I love the cut and paste feeling of this. Almost like a ransom letter. And the poster divided into two halves also does it for me. The type is excellent and stands out as a design element rather than just credits.
This is not my favorite Lynch movie, but the photography is incredible. The two stark photos are excellent and I love that they are of different contrasts. I also love the type on this and the use of one color.
I often look for movie posters that never got a general release. This obviously wasn't the poster that was selected to promote the film, which is too bad. It's very feminine and I love the line "Kill Is Love." I also like how the type and illustration surround the photo.
I'm a sucker for medical illustrations for some reason or another. I think I like the humor associated with the illustrations because they try to look human but they come off so cold. Plus, this is such a unique approach to marketing a movie, I would just have to have it.
I love James Bond and I would choose this poster for one reason and one reason only. "Everything he touches turns to excitement." What a great line.
I have to admit I'm not a big fan of the original poster but I couldn't have a bunch of posters throughout my house without having a Carpenter movie in there somewhere. This oversized poster was for sale for months at a used record store here in town and I never got it. True, it would probably just end up rolled up in my basement somewhere but like an alarm system, I would feel good knowing it was there.
For now, I only have a few posters in my basement.

This is a perfect example of art as marketing. So simple and powerful and I love the type treatment. It's like it's yelling at you.

I really like this poster although I didn't care for Matrix Reloaded. So interesting that they cut off the face. The guns and the flowing coat also made it for me.
One of my favorite movies and I love the communist twist on the design.
Again, this is one of my favorite movies. And I love the European design of this. I'm a big fan of lots of Soderbergh posters. The Limey is also a favorite.
The combination of line drawing and photography has always fascinated me. This poster almost feels handmade. But of course it's excellently designed. Feels very much like Vertigo.

I really like this poster although I didn't care for Matrix Reloaded. So interesting that they cut off the face. The guns and the flowing coat also made it for me.

But again, if I had my way. I would love to own all these. And many more.

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