I watched the debate some last night...and I managed to stay calm listening to Obama lie like a dawg about taxes. And, after last night I think maybe it is time I wrote again about taxes although it is more fun to write about Texas which is pronounced the same as taxes in parts of the country but all Taxes and Texas have in common is both are humongous...
Taxes have been a bane and a boon for humans since humans decided they needed government...or else some human decided that HE needed to govern. In the old days taxes were paid by the populace to feed the government who did no work except collect taxes...thing have not changed much, heh. In a lot of societies the taxes were collected by the local shaman who also never produced anything but a god who the shaman allowed needed the taxes...which really meant the shaman needed the taxes or else he was gonna have to go to work. (Things still ain't changed much in the shaman world except the taxes you pay the shaman are called tithes and are sorta kinda voluntary...sorta kinda because if you don't pay up you might not get your pie in the sky...)
In the European Feudal days taxes began with the peasants who paid to a local lord who paid to the area lord who paid to the King...and it was all called rents because under the feudal system it all belonged to the king...sorta kinda except for that land that belonged to the Pope who decided he was the only one allowed to appoint a king...unless the king happened to have a bigger sword...damn I am rambling heah...
Now the USA law is based on English common law which is based on something called the Magna Carta which is latin for "fuck you king we ain't gonna pay no more." The founders of the USA were mostly of English descent and they wrote their own Magna Carta and called it a constitution ...this after sticking the old Magna Carta up the king's butt.
Now these founding fathers were not stupid..they knew that in order for government to function it had to have funds...and they also knew that no government has ever produced any wealth of any kind..governments blow wealth (and some governors get blown); they do not produce it. So the writers of the constitution allowed some taxes via import tariffs as well as taxes on items produced although export tariffs are explicitly prohibited. Now even back then the public twern't very happy with taxes...especially taxes on whiskey which damned near caused the downfall of a brand new republic! And, then as now there were a lot of people who figured a way to avoid the taxes..moonshiners and smugglers were a big part of an underground economy.
"So, enough already GUYK! Where are you going with this?"
Look...taxes like Texas is a part of this country and a necessary part of this country. Without taxes government cannot function. The question is how much government do we want to pay for...or maybe better asked is what function do we want government to play in our lives?
What is the function of the federal government as outlined in the constitution? Is there any where in the constitution that says that congress has the authority to take YOUR money and redistribute it to those who have not earned it? Does the constitution outline a wealth sharing program? Senator Obama and the socialists seem to think so. What this amounts to is a regression back to the days of yon when rulers and shaman produced nothing but by virtue of POWER OVER THE PEOPLE fed themselves at the people's expense. Yes, taxes are a part of government..and government needs the tax revenue to provide you with the infrastructure so vital to the economy and the defense of our nation. And damn few of us begrudge some of our tax money going to those who through no fault of their own are unable to provide for themselves...those who are physically and/or mentally incapable of fending for themselves. But there are a lot of us Americans who might get somewhat violent about our tax dollars being redistributed in order to share the wealth.
Maybe we need a new MAGNA CARTA! One that says FUCK YOU OBAMA AND YOUR SOCIALIST PALS! We ain't gonna pay...
Yeah, I know...I write about like I think..disorganized...fuck it. I need some jumpstart. Y'all come back, heah?
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