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What's in My Closet?: Summer Edition Part 2

Hi Ladies,
Here is my latest edition of What's in my Closet?: Summer Edition. I first started this series to add another fashion series to my blog. I also wanted to share my style with my readers and show them where you could get similar items. What I didn't realize was that it would also make me go through my clothes and rediscover items that I forgot about. It has also made finding outfits to wear much easier. I can just go to my posts and checkout the outfits that I have created. You can check out my previous editions on the What's in My Closet tab on my homepage.

SHOES: Nude Flats

I hope that you enjoyed checking out what's in my closet!

What is your favorite outfit from above? What has been your favorite outfit to wear this summer? Post your comments below! 

-Tanya xoxo

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