It's more than reasonable for me to declare my love for up-and-coming hit beachwear label (flying the Aussie flag!) ManiQuin - and not just because I'm looking forward to spending far too much time at the beach after exams. The label's impressive flare for puzzle-piecing prints and cuts, so that they compliment each other in the most adorable or sophisticated of ways, always makes for a beautiful collection that hails Aussie Summer as the best and only kind.
In this collection, I'm loving the free-floating, trapeze-type cuts - and how great are the fabrics! I'm ridiculously in love with that one-piece (last shot). I'm feeling a resurgence of one-pieces. And I like it. And I need the awesome cross-back magic of this ManiQuin one, methinks!
Check out more of ManiQuin HERE. And maybe get some Summer shopping done HERE :D
P.S. I need this rabbit hat for next winter :)
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