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35 Week Pregnancy Update.

Hey dolls,

Today marks the official one month countdown!!! I am due this day next month, how crazy is that. The time has gone soooo fast. We are super excited to meet our baby and I feel like its never going to come. I had a checkup this week with Tallaght hospital and the midwife was a little concerned that my bump was measuring 38 weeks so is sending us to have a scan at the Coombe tomorrow to see exactly how big the baby is. Hopefully it means there is a lot of fluid around the baby and it will stay cooking for another few weeks. As much as we are dying to meet him/her we want it to be inside as long as possible.

I wanted to tell you all how it has been going because I haven't written a pregnancy update since I was 28 weeks. Most of you will know how it's been going for me because you follow my snapchat but for those of you who don't, I thought id share it here too.

Since 28 weeks so much has changed. I now feel sooooo pregnant haha. I was dying to have a proper round bump and I certainly have that now. Each day brings a new struggle but I wouldn't change it for the world, everyday is a little harder though. I've to keep reminding myself I can't do as much as I used to. My body is working round the clock to nourish and grow this tiny baby and I need to take it slow, put my feet up when I need to and listen to my body.

For a few weeks I was completely unaware just how much pressure I was putting on myself to try and do as much as I was doing during the early stages of pregnancy. For the longest time Chris was telling me to slow down, relax and reminding me that I was heavily pregnant.

I haven't been sleeping great the last few weeks and It's getting harder the less I sleep. I cant even nap anymore which is so strange for me, haha, I think I napped everyday for the first 4 months. The lack of sleep is causing me to be irritable and anxious, so I've made a conscious decision to just rest when I can't sleep. I try not work or do house work, instead I just lie down and put my feet up. It has been helping a lot.

Although my anxiety has surfaces during this trimester I feel like I'm able to control it so much more than I would've a few years ago. I put this down to the amazing therapy I had last year. I'm not saying its been easy, I've cried and had massive panic attacks but not on the scale like they used to be. Chris has been so good and understanding and really has helped me to control them. Whenever I start to feel anxious I immediately make myself aware of what is causing me to feel that way and try to remove myself from the situation and relax my mind. It has helped so much.

Apart from the lack of sleep and slight anxiety, everything else is going so well. I feel amazing 90% of the time, there is that 10% when I'm very uncomfortable but that is bound to happen, I have a human living inside me, haha. How weird is it when you actually think about that!!!

We packed our hospital bag this week and I will have a post & video up on it asap :)

I hope you enjoyed this quick update.

Love Grace xox

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