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Mommy Minute: Living with a Terrible Teether

Hey Momma's!!

I'd like to take a little time to talk about motherhood, and how our precious little ones can drive us absolutely bonkers. Many of you I'm sure will relate, and many of you will probably get a few laughs in as well. I know when I read about other people's kids driving them nuts I can't help but crack up laughing because I can totally relate. Our kids drive us up the wall sometimes, but at the end of the day we love those little beasts more than they will ever know.

My son Kason, 5 months, is teething. No teeth have cut yet, but I know he's starting to teeth because he is a big drooling mess 24/7. I've stopped putting shirts on him at home because they get soaked, so most of the time he's just rocking a diaper or a pair of cotton shorts.

I can already tell that he is going to be 100% a Type A personality through and through. He is happy for the most part, but he is so dang sensitive and particular about his routine and schedule. If something is not done right, he is hungry, tired, or simply not feeling all that great, he has zero problem letting you know! There's no difference between his "I'm kinda hungry" cry to his "I'M FREAKING STARVING" cry. It's all an "I'M FREAKING STARVING" cry, every time.

He's also started this fun little game where when I leave the room, he freaks out. I'm talking he thinks I left him for good and am never coming back cry. I stick my head around the corner and he immediately stops crying and starts laughing. Yes... laughing. Ummm, can we say bi-polar?? I swear the kid knows what he's doing, and thinks that driving me nuts is the funnest game ever.

Back to the teething, I know that a lot of babies experience pain during this time, and some babies couldn't be bothered by it. Kason is the baby that thinks he's dying and just can't handle it. Now, I'm not saying it doesn't hurt, because I know it does! I'm sympathetic and sensitive to him, because he's my little man and I love him, but this little dude cries ALL DAY LONG. Have you ever had one of those days where you want to smother yourself with your own pillow because no matter what you do, your baby is miserable? That was my week this week. He cried on and off all day, for 5 days straight! On the fourth day, my amazing MIL took the kids for me so I could have a break. Thank the good Lord above for that little break because I was about to admit myself to the Looney Bin.

I know that this is just a faze, and once that first tooth cuts it will get better. Right now I'm trying other options and a couple seem to be helping. Walking around outside helps distract him from the pain for a short while. He seems to like chewing on cold wash cloths too. I wet one of his own and put it in the fridge for about 15 minutes, then give it to him. It's light-weight and doesn't fall out of his mouth easily. He also likes chewing on the cold teething rings, but wants me to hold it while he chews away, but Momma doesn't always have time for that! Another thing that seems to help are Popsicles. He goes to town on them and they numb his gums for a little while.

When I'm feeling overwhelmed from the constant screams, it really helps to put him in his crib and shut the door. I then proceed to my room, shut the door, and just let out a big ol' scream myself. Try it, it helps!

I'm sure some of you are like "Omg, what an insensitive Mother!", while others are probably laughing saying "Omg, I've been in that very same spot!".  I would like to say that I am very sensitive towards him, and I love him more than anything, but listening to a crying baby for hours and sometimes days on end will drive anyone a little crazy. It's safe to say I had a big glass of wine every night this week after bed time.

I hope ya'll enjoyed today's little post! Let me know in the comments below if your baby was a terrible teether and what worked for you. If you're baby was a precious angel that didn't cry once during the teething process, then please keep your comments to yourself... (Hahaha, just kidding!)


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